Round trip portraits
Publicado el 11 de Octubre de 2007 por Angel en Lo que dicen de míBy Diego Muñoz
If Angel Fernández Saura were not a photographer, who knows what he would be. When he was an adolescent, he had the bright idea of getting into caves –those with echo and stalactites– and taking photographs. Nowadays that is called potholing. Currently, he is considered to be one of the best photographers in Spain, even though that means little in Murcia. Besides, he happens to have a collection of photographs of stones and crystals which is unique in the world. Nowadays, that is called mineralogy. And he has another collection with photographs of almost everybody, this must be anthropology.
I am not going to mention the exhibitions, grants, stays in Asia, Africa, America and so on, because that appears in his curriculum, which anybody can consult in any of the institutions of this business. As this is completely useless in Murcia, and a photographer is even more useless, Ángel went deeper into the mysteries of the night; quasars, galaxy cumulus, double stars and so on. Astronomy. (I know the night also has other mysteries, but do not worry: he has also investigated them).
From time to time, he climbs a mountain –for example, the Mont Blanc– and comes back with a lot of photographs. That is alpinism. And, as far as I am concerned, he has even practised hang gliding, paragliding or whatever it is called, no matter how cold it is up there. Anyway, if Ángel F. Saura were not a photographer, maybe he would be a gynaecologist. The only thing you may be sure of, if you know him, is that he would be a nice guy, anyway. That and the fact that his clients would have to be after him everywhere –and that is Geography– to make an appointment to be seen by him.
15 de Febrero del 2008 a las 21:48
Muy buena tu web !!! muy clara y muy completa ……………te mando un fuerte abrazo
20 de Abril del 2008 a las 0:15
Hola, Ángel. ¡Qué buena Web te hizo tu tocaya! He “viajado” ya varias veces por ella y te he enlazado en mis dos Blogs. Sólo echo en falta alguna que otra ilustración musical para tus imágenes. Aunque tal vez sea mejor que cada cual escoja la música que prefiera en cada momento. Ahora las he estado viendo con Cassandra Wilson de fondo y la verdad es que empastan muy bien con su voz oscura y cálida. Aunque últimamente nos vemos muy de uvas a peras, me acuerdo muy a menudo de ti y espero y deseo que todo te vaya fenomenal y que la vida te sonría como te mereces. Un fuerte abrazo, maestro.